Founder’s Journey


Deborahn McKenneyster

Deborahn McKenneyster, the founder of Residence Resale Tactics, is a dynamic leader with a deep-rooted passion for the real estate market. With years of experience in the industry, Deborahn has cultivated a reputation for her strategic acumen and innovative approach to property resale. Her journey began as a real estate agent, where she quickly recognized the need for a platform that provides actionable insights and practical strategies for agents, investors, and homeowners alike. Deborahn’s vision was to create a resource that not only offers the latest market news but also equips users with the tools to navigate complex transactions and achieve success in a competitive field. Under her leadership, Residence Resale Tactics has become a trusted source of information for real estate professionals, delivering expert guidance on everything from market trends and investment strategies to creative marketing techniques.

Welcome to Residence Resale Tactics!

I’m Deborahn McKenneyster, and I’m thrilled to share the story of how this platform came to be. My journey into the real estate industry has been one of discovery, learning, and a deep commitment to helping others succeed. What started as a personal passion for homes and the real estate market has evolved into a mission to empower real estate professionals, investors, and homeowners through the knowledge and strategies I’ve gained over the years.

How It All Began: Finding My Passion for Real Estate

My journey into real estate wasn’t something I planned from the beginning. Growing up in a small town in Alabama, I was always fascinated by the concept of home—what it means to people, the memories it holds, and the importance it has in our lives. This interest simmered in the background throughout my early years, but it wasn’t until after college that I realized it could be more than just a hobby; it could be a career.

After earning my degree in business administration, I started working in the corporate world. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize that my heart wasn’t in it. I was drawn to real estate, captivated by the idea of creating value and making a tangible impact on people’s lives. That’s when I decided to take the plunge, obtain my real estate license, and embark on this exciting new journey.

A Personal Note from Me

“Real estate has never been just a job for me—it’s a way to help people find their place in the world. Over the years, I’ve had the incredible privilege of guiding clients through some of the most important decisions of their lives. What I’ve learned is that success in this industry is about much more than closing deals. It’s about understanding people, anticipating their needs, and delivering real value.

Establishing Myself: Building a Name in the Industry

As I gained more experience, I began to specialize in helping clients with property investments, which allowed me to combine my business background with my love for real estate. With each passing year, I honed my skills and expanded my knowledge, becoming known for my ability to anticipate market shifts and close deals effectively.

But beyond my own success, I found great satisfaction in mentoring new agents and sharing what I had learned. I believed—and still believe—that the real estate industry thrives when we support each other. This desire to educate and empower others was the seed that eventually grew into Residence Resale Tactics.

Founders Journey

The Early Years: Navigating Challenges and Learning the Ropes

Like many new agents, I faced a lot of challenges when I first started out. The real estate market was highly competitive, and as a newcomer, I had to work twice as hard to establish myself. Those early years were a steep learning curve—I wore many hats, from salesperson and marketer to negotiator and sometimes even counselor. I learned the ropes through a lot of trial and error, but I was determined to succeed.

I threw myself into the industry, attending seminars, reading everything I could get my hands on about market trends, and connecting with other professionals. Gradually, my efforts began to pay off. I started to build a reputation for being dedicated, detail-oriented, and deeply committed to my clients. I realized early on that success in real estate wasn’t just about selling properties; it was about building strong relationships and earning trust.

Creating Residence Resale Tactics: Turning a Vision into Reality

The idea for Residence Resale Tactics came from my desire to create a platform that would serve as a comprehensive resource for anyone involved in real estate—whether you’re a professional, an investor, or a homeowner. I wanted to build a community where knowledge and expertise could be shared freely, and where individuals could find the tools and strategies they needed to navigate the complexities of the real estate market.

In 2010, after more than a decade of working in the field, I launched Residence Resale Tactics. My goal was to make it more than just a website—it had to be a true resource. I drew on my own experiences and the lessons I’d learned to curate content that was practical, insightful, and above all, helpful to those who needed it.

To my delight, Residence Resale Tactics quickly gained a following. People appreciated that the advice and strategies I shared were grounded in real-world experiences. The platform became a trusted resource, not just for news and market trends, but for the practical tips and strategies that I wish I had known when I was starting out.

Looking Ahead: Empowering the Next Generation

As Residence Resale Tactics has grown, so has my involvement in the broader real estate community. I’ve had the privilege of speaking at industry conferences, contributing to real estate publications, and connecting with professionals from all walks of life. But what I’m most proud of is the impact this platform has had on the lives of those who use it.

Empowering others has always been at the core of what I do. Through Residence Resale Tactics, I’ve been able to help a new generation of real estate agents, investors, and homeowners achieve their goals and realize their dreams. That’s the legacy I hope to leave behind.

Even today, I’m deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of Residence Resale Tactics. I’m passionate about ensuring that the content we provide is valuable and relevant, and I’m always looking for new ways to innovate and expand our offerings. My journey is far from over, and I’m excited to see where it leads next.

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